Today, Internet influence people and the way they shop, communicate or research. Anything is possible in cyberspace, you can be anyone you desire; do anything you dreaming about. Stream of Information flood beyond our imagination. An accurate data of stocks, company's financial reports, IPOs or news are available and easy to acquire. You can get a 1st rated stand-alone trading platform plus live streaming for $39 a month.
Day Trading turn to be a full-time job for someone while being disaster for others. Both of Investors and Traders are often bombarded with junk emails, mislead web-boards or faked news; they need to be smart to survive in these liar world. Investors/Traders must be more selective in order to gather quality informations. Here, we take a guess out of your equation and carefully choose useful informations for our readers.
Below are AAA-rated websites that we perfectly screen and filter to fit our conservative aspects. Enjoy ^_^
MSN Money - Essential Personal Finance and the markets
Reuters - Top News about Finance and business around the globe
BigCharts - A Pure technical chart for trader
FinViz - A Great Technical and Fundamental Screener Site
Stay tune with IME (InvestMadeEasy)